Pitch your ideas
Pitch your ideas (P4, M3: U21) Learning Outcome 3 (U21): Be able to pitch ideas on proposed media products and respond to questions Feedback (and what I understood ) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyExSsqsk_D410zs88KJNrw 1.)Lovely justifications and Good idea of "Behind The Scenes" What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that the decisions I have made for my magazine were of good quality. This is because I made sure to explain all my decisions in detail with the reasoning of why I have chosen this, as a result, the client was able to fully understand the purpose of the magazine. Additionally, the client mentioned the idea of " Behind The Scenes'' was good, this is because this concept of the magazine was new to the client. 2.)Likes links to uses and gratifications theory in relation to the target audience What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that he enjoyed how I referred to the uses and gratification theory to...