Pitch your ideas

Pitch your ideas (P4, M3: U21)

Learning Outcome 3 (U21): Be able to pitch ideas on proposed media products and respond to questions

Feedback (and what I understood ) 


1.)Lovely justifications and Good idea of "Behind The Scenes"

What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that the decisions I have made for my magazine were of good quality. This is because I made sure to explain all my decisions in detail with the reasoning of why I have chosen this, as a result, the client was able to fully understand the purpose of the magazine. Additionally, the client mentioned the idea of " Behind The Scenes'' was good, this is because this concept of the magazine was new to the client. 

2.)Likes links to uses and gratifications theory in relation to the target audience

What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that he enjoyed how I referred to the uses and gratification theory to my target audience and how the magazine would benefit them. By referring to the uses and gratification theory of the client I was able to further explain the purpose of my magazine. 

3.)Intereseting, the physical copy is cheaper than the online copy 

What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that my choice of pricing compared to other pitches where different. I understood that I should have justified why I had chosen to create the hard co[py cheaper compared to the online print. Conventionally, creating the hardcopy print can be seen as risky. however, as I mentioned in my response to the client I chose to do this as my target audience's behavior suggested they are more likely to purchase the magazine online. 

4.) Swap a tertiary audience with a secondary audience

What I have understood from this feedback from the client is the way I categorized my primary, secondary, and tertiary target audience was slightly confusing and could have been modified to benefit the magazine. My primary audience where 18-24 year-olds, my secondary target audience was 34-50 years old and my tertiary target audience was personnel who work within the film sector. My choice of tertiary target audience and secondary target audience understandably should be swapped as those who work within the film sector are more likely to be interested in the magazine compared to those who are experts within the film magazine. 

5.) Quite a global magazine, needs more links to North London

What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that my choice of images and content created the magazine to seem like it's being distributed globally. For my double-page spread, I had chosen La La Land to use as an example of an indie film being discussed in the magazine, however as La La Land is a globally recognized film which was set in Los Angeles understandably the use of this film does not directly target a North London target audience. 

6.)Cleanliness of the front cover, with a strong choice of font

What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that my front cover was clear and portrayed the magazine genre and purpose strategically. Additionally, the client liked my use of the font this is because the fonts I had chosen were clear and bold to make sure the target audience can clearly understand the contents of the magazine. 

7.) Reference the new streaming device on the front cover

What I have understood from this feedback from the client is that I should reference my new streaming device (Films4You) on the front cover. The streaming device should be referenced on the front cover as it's not recognized yet and should be featured alongside other cover lines that captivate the target audience. This way the streaming device will be noticed. However, a streaming device that already exists (Netflix) should be featured in the double-page spread so the reader can find examples of films used in the magazine.

9.)The font size for the page number is too big, as well as placement of content should be considered 

 What I have understood from this feedback from the client brief is that the font size of my page number is too big, the font size of the page number is significant as if to big it can distract the reader from there other texts. As well as the placement of where I put content within the magazine is important to make the sure the readers attention is captivated. 


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