Evaluate the response

 Evaluate the response (D1:U21)

Learning Outcome 3 (U21): Be able to pitch ideas on a proposed media product and respond to questions 


As a result of the pitch, the client gave me feedback to aid me with the preparation of creating the magazine and distributing it in North London. The client had given me a wide range of feedback, however, I felt some were unnecessary to aid me in my progression, and some were very beneficial. 

 Swap a tertiary audience with a secondary audience

I presented my primary, secondary, and tertiary audience in my pitch. I stated that my primary audience where students in higher education at the ages of 18-25, my secondary audience where experienced people who have been working in the film sector for a while between the ages of 34-50, and my tertiary audience where people working within the film sector who might seek ideas from the magazine. The client had suggested that my tertiary and secondary audience should be swapped as people who are still progressing in the film sector will benefit more from the magazine compared to experts who have worked in the film sector for many years. I decided to use his feedback as after reflecting and looking back at my pitch I understood that due to my proposal of educational purposes people who work within the film sector will be more captivated by the magazine than people who are well-informed about the film industry.

 Quite a global magazine, needs more links to North London

Evidently, the client brief stated to ensure the media product is targeted to a North London target audience. The client had stated he felt that the magazine was too global and did not have content that would have stood out to a North London target audience. I agree with the client's feedback as my magazine represented the film community as a whole by using Grammy-recognised films such as "La la Land". As a response, I will create a front cover page that conveys the purposes of the magazine in a more niche format. For instance, instead of using cover lines featuring world-renowned celebrities, I will mention milestones that people within the film industry have achieved that live within North London.

Reference the new streaming device on the front cover

Additionally, the client mentioned that I should refer to my new streaming device on my front cover page to gain more publicity. I will take this feedback into consideration as by referring to the new streaming device on the front cover I introduce my readers to a new part of the film industry they have not come across yet. Additionally, as the new streaming service Films4U promotes new indie films many people within our target audience will be more interested with the new streaming services as they would benefit more frm the content included compared to Netflix which is the other streaming service I reffered to in my pitch. I agree that Netflix should be promoted within one of the doubel page spreads, this is because its a very popular and common streaming service. It would still be beneficial to mention Netflix to allow our target audiecne to extend their interest.

The font size for the page number is too big, as well as placement of content should be considered 

This advice refers to my double page spread, as shown my double page spread was about "La la land"; I included an interview and an image of the costume desighn of the very popular yellow dress used in the film. The client metnioned that the page numbers on the double page spread where a large font and that I should take into consideration to maek it smaller. I completely agree with the client as the numbers cans ub-conciously interfere with the reading rhythim. Aswell as the client mentioned that the numbers I had used on the double page spread ( 4 and 5) showed that I used intereseting content in the begining of the magazine. the client recomended that I should place certain content in a fashion to sub-conciously intrigue the traget audience. For example if I had used "La la land" as a cover line on the front cover of the  magazine the double page spread for that specific content should be place towards the end of the magazine . This way the reader is forced to look through the magazine increasing the chances of them finding another article they might be intrigued by. Evidently, I will be using this feedback as it will benefit the magazine. 

Intereseting, the physical copy is cheaper than the online copy 

I had predicted this feedback from the client as having the physical copy is often an unconventional technique of marketing. Even though its not recomended I would like to try this approach as my target audience show characteristics that cause me to belive they will most lilely purchase the magazine from the app instead of the hardcopy. In relevance to society today many people prefer shopping online and find products to buy online. Therefor I had made the descion to icnrease the price of my online copy by £1 (£4.99 Hard Copy and £5.99 for onlnine version). However, I understand thsi technique is risky and can cause damage to the succesion of the business, that is why I intdent to experiment with the prices of the magazine. If after the first three issues statistics show that we are recieving more purchases of the hardcopy then the prices will be swapped. Understandably, the spontaneous changes of price can damage the relationshop between the company and the target audience; however this a risk I a willing to take.

Lovely justifications and Good idea of "Behind The Scenes"
The client had said that he enjoyed the justifications of my presentation. This refers to the reasons I had given for descions I had made. As I have mentioned, throughout the pitch i mentioned some un-conventional ideas such as the price of my magazine and my marketing methods. Im glad that the client understoof my justifications and agreed with my justifications. Additionaly, I agree that my idea of "Behind the Scnes" is good as i had chosen it to be able to brancgh out into the deeper side of film production. Event though there are a few magazines who categorise themselves as "film productions specialists" I believe there are not any that are speciffically promoted to a North London magazine, which is why i had chosen film productiona s my genre.


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